What makes James Bond be a worldwide famous secret service agent? Vesper Martini (shaken, not stirred)? Yes, but this only in some social circles…Being supported by beautiful women? It is...

What makes James Bond be a worldwide famous secret service agent? Vesper Martini (shaken, not stirred)? Yes, but this only in some social circles…Being supported by beautiful women? It is...
Even a short recording obtained with use of a professional voice recorder hidden in a pen drive or in a hand band, can be decisive evidence in Court, e.g. bullying...
Ensuring the home security is a priority. Finally, everybody wants to safely return home. The thief does not sleep and he can possibly choose your cosy nest as his next...
Small, durable, versatile, with perfect camouflage. These attributes best reflect the essence of the spy voice recorder. Spy voice recorders are portable devices with built-in microphone, giving the ability...
Organised police actions and operations, politicians invigilation or industrial espionage are usual occasions where bugging devices are used. But such devices are also an interest to an average Smith,...