Paternity calculator for children

Life happens to be unpredictable. The perverse fate plays tricks just at the moments when we are sure and certain of something. Statistically, every 10th man in Poland has been bringing up somebody else`s child. The reasons of these situations are many and paternity verification methods few.

By all means, DNA test is the most reliable method to check paternity. The test compares genetic materials and is 100% sure. You do not have to waste money at once as a free paternity calculator, an algorithm that compares the characteristics of both parents, can dispel doubts and fears.

Paternity calculator is simple, quick and easy to use. Take a moment and you will see if the child is yours. Paternity calculator will tell you if your doubts are groundless or if you have to spend money on DNA test.

Blood Group
Eyes Color
Hair color

Blood Group

Based on parent's blood group
Blood Group
Blood Group

Inheritance of the blood group

Blood group is certainly not to be seen. However, it is a good idea to start your research from it. Blood group of a child depends of the groups of both parents. Blood test should be, of course, conducted in a lab, however, it is possible to anticipate a priori some dependencies. Thus an example: if one parent has the group 0RH+, and the other ARH+, the child is unlikely to have the group BRH-.
Blood groups have a crucial meaning when a transfusion comes in question. The donor is firstly looked for among family members. If you take into consideration to be a father, it is recommended to check the blood group in order to compare it with the group of your offspring in the future.

Eyes Color

Based on parent's eyes color

Eyes colour inheritance

When you were a mere twinkle in your father`s eye”… Yes, there is certainly a serious connection between the child and the father. Although, the colour of the eyes is determined by both pairs of eyes and is written in the genome.

What does the inheritance of eyes colour mean?

Both parents have two types of genes: recessive one and dominant one. If, for example, both parents have blue eyes (recessive genes) their child is unlikely to have dark eyes. Although, it happens sometimes. If mother `s eyes are brown ( at least one of genes is dominant), and the father has blue eyes, their child is very likely to inherit a dark eyes`colour (with both dominant mother`s genes) or fair colour (with one dominant gene). As we can see, eyes colour depends on many factors.


Based on the Chinese gender calendar

Sex of the child according to the Chinese calendar

If you were to choose, would it be a boy or a girl? Mostly, women dream about a son and men are more for daughters. Is it possible to plan the sex of the child? The Chinese claim that with 90% yes. What is interesting, their opinion is shared with American scientists. How does this planning method, according to Chinese calendar work? Depending on mother`s age and the month of conception, the calendar tells you the sex of the child. However, it is to be noticed that a Chinese month lasts 28 days and the mother`s age means the real age and not the year. Promising, isn`t it? So sate your curiosity and check the sex of your conceived child using Chinese calendar.

Child's hair color


Hair colour inheritance

Hair is entirely dependent on genetics. In this case, the nature has a lot to say. Like in case of eyes, fair colour means recessive genes, whereas dark, at least one dominant gene.It occurs that the colour of child`s hair is different from both parents` hair colours. It may mean that it was inherited from grand-parents. Hair is not only about colour but also form and type. Curly hair it is the dominant gene`s influence which decides of long lashes too, but alas, increases the susceptibility of losing hair… At the same time, recessive genes decide of long, blond, straight hair inheritance. See what the colour and the form of your child`s hair tells about your paternity.

Child's dimples


Dimples inheritance

About 20% of population have dimples. Dimples are charming, however, considered to be a defect of face muscles which are shorter and for this, they are visible when the person smiles.
Dimples appear because of the influence of a dominant gene. If the mother has them (dominant gene), and the father does not (recessive gene), the child is likely to have dimples in 50%. If both parents have dimples (at least one dominant gene) in a family picture, they all will have a similar, charming smile.
See if your child has dimples and if it is likely to prove that the child is yours.